Mindful Tips to Carry into the New Year
1. Sleep with your phone in the next room
We all know looking at our phones before bed isn't doing us any favors. The same goes for reaching for it first thing when you wake up, scrolling social and checking emails. An easy method to resist these temptations is to sleep with your phone outside your bedroom. We've been practicing this for a few months now, and it's surprisingly easy to get used to. (The alarm tends to be loud enough to hear even with the door closed.)

Need more convincing? Check out this article on How Electronics Affect Sleep from Sleepfoundation.org.
2. Incorporate Mantras & Affirmations
Reciting a few positive affirmations or mantras is a great way to start your day on a positive note. You can create your own, or use a guide like this one from The Everygirl and choose a few that resonate. We recommend doing this first thing when you wake up, and anytime through the day when you need a little pick me up.
A few we like from The Everygirl are:
3. Use a Gratitude Journal
The act of simply writing down 3 things you're grateful for each day can be transforming. By looking at life from a place of abundance rather than scarcity, your perspective starts to shift and you'll begin to see things in a more positive light. The Five-Minute Journal is a great tool to keep by your bedside where you can record what you're grateful for each morning and night.

You can purchase your own Five-Minute Journal here.
4. Download a Meditation App
Reduce stress and anxiety and promote calmness by carving out just 10 minutes of your day to meditate. Developing a consistent practice is way less daunting with the help of an app. We recommend Calm or Headspace but you can check out Healthline's list for 20 of the top-rated apps for both Android and iPhone.
5. Practice Mindful Eating
So often we are distracted while we eat, eat too quickly, or don't fully savor our food. Unhealthy habits revolving around eating can create numerous health problems, and practicing mindful eating can allow you to regain control.
Mindful Eating 101-A beginner's Guide is a great place to start.